The volume of construction works in Romania decreased, in unadjusted data, by 3.1% in January-August 2024 and by 2.5% when adjusted for the number of working days and seasonality, data from Romania’s statistics office INS showed on Friday (Oct 18).
Romania's trade balance posted a deficit of EUR20.9 billion in January-August 2024, higher by 14.6% compared to the same period of 2023, data from the country's statistics board INS showed on Thursday (October 10).
Retail sales volume in Romania (excluding the trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles) increased by 8.1% in unadjusted data and by 7.3% when adjusted for seasonality and number of working days, in January-August 2024 compared to the same period of 2023, data from the country’s statistics institute INS showed on Monday (Oct 7).
Romania’s general consolidated budget posted a deficit of RON81 billion in January-August 2023, or 4.57% of gross domestic product (GDP), which is almost double the deficit of RON42.19 billion (2.63% of GDP) reported in the same period of 2023, finance ministry data showed on Friday (Sept 27).
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR13.7 billion in January-August 2023, lower than the EUR18.5 billion level reported in the same period of 2022, central bank data showed on Friday (October 13, 2023).
Romania's trade balance posted a deficit of EUR18.2 billion in January-August 2023, lower by 17.2% compared with January-July 2022 period, data from the country's statistics board INS showed on Tuesday (October 10).
Romania’s general consolidated budget posted a deficit of RON42.19 billion in January-August, 2023, or 2.65% of gross domestic product (GDP), as compared to a budget gap of RON32.98 billion (2.34% of GDP) reported in the same period of 2022, the finance ministry said on Friday (Sept 29).
New car registrations in Romania increased by 2.82% to 12,891 in August 2023 compared with August 2022, and by 19.3% to 99,466 in January-August 2023, Romanian carmakers’ association ACAROM data show.
In January-August 2022, the export of gas volumes from Azerbaijan, declared at customs, amounted to 15 billion 53 million 987.9 thousand cubic meters, by 13.7%...
Romania’s industrial production fell by 1.2% in unadjusted data in January-August 2022 versus the same period of 2021 and by 2% when adjusted for seasonality and number of working days, data from the country’s statistics board INS showed Wednesday (Oct 12).
Romania's trade balance posted a deficit of EUR22 billion in January-August 2022, higher by EUR7.381 billion compared with the first eight months of 2021, data from the country's statistics board INS showed Monday.
Romanian authorities issued 30,620 residential building permits in January-August 2022, 10.5% fewer than in the same period of 2021, data from the country’s statistics board INS showed Friday.
Dacia Mioveni and Ford Craiova, the two car plants in Romania, manufactured some 330,400 vehicles in January-August 2022, 15.5% more than in the same period in 2021, as per data from the country's carmakers association ACAROM.
In January-August 2022, revenues to the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ) from the implementation of the “Shah Deniz” gas project amounted to $1 148...
Romania’s current account balance ended January-August 2021 with an EUR10.1 billion deficit, 55% higher than the EUR6.5 billion in January-August 2020, Romania’s central bank data show.
Romania’s total external debt increased by EUR8.4 billion to EUR135.2 billion in January-August 2021, of which direct public debt accounted for EUR60.7 billion, EUR3.46 billion more than at the end of last year, when it stood at EUR57.3 billion, Romania’s central bank data released on Thursday show.
Romania’s industrial production increased by 12.7% in unadjusted data in January-August 2021 compared to the same period in 2020, and by 13.1% when adjusted for seasonality and number of working days, data from the country’s statistics institute showed Wednesday.
Romania's trade balance posted a deficit of EUR14.6 billion in January-August 2021, higher by EUR3 billion compared with the first eight months of 2020, data from the country's statistics board showed Monday.
Private lending grew by 12.8% in nominal terms to RON309.6 billion in January-August 2021, compared to the same period in 2020, as local currency lending grew by 17.5% and foreign currency lending by 2.7% when expressed in lei, central bank data showed Thursday.