Global for Monday, October 14, 2024
- Mobile app gives armor soldiers a training simulator in their pockets
- Why Army divisions must prepare to get dirty
- Officials move to purge stale weapon requirements from Army books
- From drone swarms to exoskeletons, Army charts path for robotic future
- Army weighing sending missile defense prototypes forward into theater
- Project Convergence to plant a flag in the Pacific
- Sensor upgrades next up for the Army’s new rifle and machine gun
- Soldiers will get $240 a month for operational deployments
- What ‘Transformation in Contact’ means for the enlisted soldier
- Leonardo debuts drone-mounted jammer to bamboozle air threats
- US Army inches closer to 3D-printing spare parts under fire
- Army to harvest ‘dogs of the fleet’ in bid to boost weapon readiness
- Army races to widen the bottlenecks of artillery shell production
- US to send missile defense system and troops to Israel
- Army wants all troops on new fitness program by 2032. How’s it going?
- Watch AUSA 2024 Day 1: Live
- US Army sets ambitious new recruiting goal following years of struggle
- How the Army’s upgrading ammo to destroy targets large and small
- Leonardo, BlueHalo demo counter-drone system on Army Stryker
- How the Army plans to remove soldiers from the deadly breach
- How Project Polaris is gearing up the brigade by targeting the squad
- One on one with US Army Pacific Command chief Gen. Charles Flynn
- GM Defense pitches silent-drive vehicle as heir to the Humvee
- Trial by fire: How the Army banks on frontline units to test new gear