Wolf Warrior Diplomacy | United States

"Wolf Warrior Diplomacy" in United States feed

  • China's Civilian Army: The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy
    Events at Stanford - 21:23 Sep 14, 2021
    Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021. 12:00 PM. Location: Via Zoom Webinar. Register at: https://bit.ly/3zDZ3D0 This is a virtual event. Please click here to register and generate a link to the talk.  The link will be unique to you; please save it and do not share with others. Peter Martin joins us to discuss his recent book, China's Civilian Army: The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy. Chinese diplomacy in the past several years has become more assertive and its diplomats have used sharper language, earning them the title "wolf warriors." The book traces the roots of China's approach to diplomacy back to the communist revolution of 1949 and tells the story of how it's evolved through social upheaval, famine, capitalist reforms and China's rise to superpower status. It draws on dozens of interviews and -- for the first time -- on the memoirs of more than 100 retired Chinese diplomats. Peter Martin is a political reporter for Bloomberg News. He has written extensively on escalating tensions in the US-China relation...