The three were combat soldiers of the Armored Corps 196th Battalion. Thirteen IDF soldiers have been killed in combat in Gaza and Lebanon over the past three days
Het Israëlische leger heeft naar eigen zeggen een Hamas-commandant gedood die deelnam aan de aanval op Zuid-Israël, op 7 oktober 2023, en ook werkte voor het VN-hulpagentschap in de Gazastrook (UNRWA). ‘Mohammad Abu Itiwi werd woensdag gedood’, luidde het donderdagavond in een verklaring. En Amerikaanse en Israëlische onderhandelaars gaan de komende dagen in Doha proberen de onderhandelingen te hervatten over een staakt-het-vuren en de vrijlating van gijzelaars in Gaza. Dat meldden topdiplomaten van Qatar en Washington donderdag. Volg alle ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten in ons liveblog.
Mişcarea Hamas anunță că este pregătită pentru o încetare a ostilităţilor în Gaza dacă Israelul se angajează pentru o încetare a focului și pune alte câteva condiții, inclusiv referitoare la ostatici.
The Democratic presidential candidate decried the number of Palestinians killed in Gaza in a town hall event, saying 'far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed'
Atacurile israeliene din Gaza au dus la moartea a 20 de persoane miercuri, în timp ce forțele israeliene au intensificat asediul asupra regiunilor nordice ale enclavei palestiniene.
Following his visit to Israel, Blinken emphasized that the Biden administration is strongly opposed to any plan to remove the civilian population from northern Gaza. According to Blinken, Israel has increased the amount of aid entering Gaza in response to U.S. requests, but it must do more
A UN Conference on Trade and Development report estimates that should economic growth rates in Gaza return to pre-war levels, it would take Gaza '350 years just to restore the GDP levels of 2022'.
After meeting with Netanyahu, the State Department emphasized that Israel must ensure aid 'reaches civilians across Gaza.' Sources say the cabinet is considering coordinating aid convoys with private security services, aiming to resolve the dispute with the U.S. government
As the war in Gaza and Lebanon rages, Israel's news broadcasters go morally bankrupt: Palestinian victims and the destruction in Gaza are nonexistent, Arab commentators are excluded, and the army spokesperson has almost absolute control over the coverage
Cel puţin zece persoane au fost ucise luni, iar alte 30 au fost rănite în atacuri de artilerie ale armatei israeliene asupra unei şcoli administrate de agenţia ONU pentru refugiaţii palestinieni (UNRWA) din Jabalia, în nordul Fâşiei Gaza, care găzduieşte persoane strămutate, potrivit presei locale.
The IDF's 162nd Division was tasked with securing Jabalya in northern Gaza and clearing it of terrorist strongholds. The division's soldiers have eliminated 300 terrorists - mostly from Hamas.
The IDF's 162nd Division was tasked with securing Jabalya in northern Gaza and clearing it of terrorist strongholds. The division's soldiers have eliminated 300 terrorists - mostly from Hamas.
Several Western governments have requested to know whether Israel is attempting the removal of the civilian population in north Gaza. Israel has insisted it's not, but the slow trickle of aid, an extremist army general and lack of reliable information on the ground has left many with serious doubt
Residents agree that only an internal Palestinian agreement will decide who controls Gaza, but with both Hamas and the PA in deep distress, it will either be impossible to reach an agreement or impossible to implement one. In practice, the party controlling everything right now is Israel
Col. Ehsan Daxa is the highest-ranking Israeli officer killed since the ground operation in Gaza began, with the prime minister lauding him as an exemplar of 'the covenant with the Druze people'
Armata israeliană a difuzat o înregistrare video în care îl arată pe liderul Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, într-un tunel din Fâşia Gaza, cu câteva ore înainte de atacul efectuat de Hamas împotriva sudului Israelului din 7 octombrie 2023.
În timp ce Israelul a sărbătorit uciderea liderului Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, în această săptămână, aliații săi sperând că se va deschide oportunitatea de pace în Fâșia Gaza, mulți civili se arată sceptici că moartea acestuia va schimba situația dificilă în care se află, relatează CNN.
With an Israeli retaliatory attack on Iran looming and tensions escalating in Lebanon, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit the Middle East this week in a final effort to promote a Gaza cease-fire and hostage deal