In the grand final of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, which took place today in Madrid, Georgia sealed the win, while Ukraine’s representative, 12-year-old Artem Kotenko, took third place.
Rezultatele finale ale controversatelor alegeri legislative desfăşurate la sfârşitul lunii octombrie în Georgia au confirmat victoria partidului de guvernământ, Visul Georgian, a anunţat sâmbătă Comisia Electorală, după ce opoziţia a denunţat că votul a fost "furat"
Agenţiile americane de informaţii spun că Rusia este responsabilă pentru realizarea şi distribuirea în mediul online a unui videoclip fals, cu un imigrant haitian care susţine că ar fi votat de două ori în statul american Georgia.
Black women in Georgia are getting out there to make their voices heard: 'Black women in America all know we're always underestimated. When you walk in a room, you're kind of dismissed already'
On Saturday 26 October, Georgian citizens voted in Parliamentary elections. The EU has been following the developments leading to the parliamentary elections closely. Over the past months, the people of Georgia have demonstrated their attachment to democratic values and their country’s EU path. According to the preliminary findings and conclusions of the International Election Observation Mission led by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), “election day was generally procedurally well-organised and administered in an orderly manner but marked by a tense environment, with frequent compromises in vote secrecy and several procedural inconsistencies, as well as reports of intimidation and pressure on voters that negatively impacted public trust in the process. Reports of pressure on voters, particularly on public sector employees, remained widespread in the campaign. This, coupled with extensive tracking of voters on election day, raised concerns about the ability of some voters ...
Preşedintele Consiliului European, Charles Michel, a îndemnat duminică autorităţile electorale din Georgia să investigheze „neregulile” din alegerile legislative câştigate sâmbătă de partidul pro-rus de guvernământ, un rezultat contestat de opoziţia pro-europeană.
Partidul de guvernământ în Georgia şi formaţiunile de opoziţie au revendicat victoria în alegerile parlamentare de sâmbătă, despre care spun că vor stabili dacă fosta republică sovietică din Caucaz se va îndrepta spre Rusia sau spre Occident.
Născut la periferia URSS, într-un sat sărac, oligarhul a ajuns cel mai bogat și mai influenț om din Georgia. „Mergeam desculț, dar eram fericit”, povestește magnatul care stă într-un castel.
Minstens zeven mensen zijn zaterdag om het leven gekomen bij een tragisch ongeluk met een veerpont op Sapelo Island, in de Amerikaanse staat Georgia. Dat heeft een woordvoerder van het staatsagentschap dat het eiland beheert, laten weten.
De Democraten verwachten ‘chaos’ bij het tellen van de stemmen in swing state Georgia. Daar wil de kiescommissie alle stemmen met de hand natellen. En de Democratische presidentskandiaat Harris krijgt de steun van de belangrijke krant New York Times, die sinds Dwight Eisenhower geen Republikein meer heeft gesteund. Volg alles over de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen in ons liveblog.
Furtuna tropicală Helene a adus inundații care pun viața în pericol în Carolina de Nord și Carolina de Sud vineri, după ce a provocat distrugeri majore în Florida și Georgia în timpul nopții, omorând cel puțin cinci persoane, inundând cartiere și lăsând milioane de locuințe și afaceri fără curent.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has condemned the use of images of the consequences of Russia's war against Ukraine in domestic political advertising in Georgia.
De moeder van de 14-jarige jongen die ervan wordt beschuldigd vier mensen te hebben doodgeschoten en negen anderen te hebben verwond op zijn middelbare school in de Amerikaanse staat Georgia, heeft de school op de ochtend van de schietpartij gebeld en gewezen dat haar zoon een 'extreem noodgeval’ is.
The change of plan comes as Georgia faces accusations that the country is trending toward authoritarianism and strengthening its relationship with Russia.
De rechter in de Amerikaanse staat Georgia heeft de verkiezingsfraudezaak tegen oud-president Donald Trump voorlopig op pauze gezet. Eerst moet het hoger beroep worden afgewacht over het aanblijven van aanklaagster Fani Willis. Trump en zijn team vinden dat zij van de zaak moet worden gehaald omdat zij een romantische relatie had met iemand in haar team.
De rechter in de Amerikaanse staat Georgia heeft de verkiezingsfraudezaak tegen oud-president Donald Trump voorlopig op pauze gezet. Eerst moet het hoger beroep worden afgewacht over het aanblijven van aanklaagster Fani Willis.
OMV Petrom announced in its quarterly financial report it will withdraw from Georgia, a country where it signed a production sharing contract for the offshore Block II in the exclusive economic zone of Georgian Black Sea.