Together, the Hasso Plattner Institute and MIT are working toward novel solutions to the world’s problems as part of the Designing for Sustainability research program.
Three neurosymbolic methods help language models find better abstractions within natural language, then use those representations to execute complex tasks.
TorNet, a public artificial intelligence dataset, could help models reveal when and why tornadoes form, improving forecasters' ability to issue warnings.
At MIT’s Festival of Learning 2024, panelists stressed the importance of developing critical thinking skills while leveraging technologies like generative AI.
Lincoln Laboratory researchers are using AI to get a better picture of the atmospheric layer closest to Earth's surface. Their techniques could improve weather and drought prediction.
MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics Director Matthias Winkenbach uses AI to make vehicle routing more efficient and adaptable for unexpected events.
The MIT Schwarzman College of Computing building will form a new cluster of connectivity across a spectrum of disciplines in computing and artificial intelligence.
By providing plausible label maps for one medical image, the Tyche machine-learning model could help clinicians and researchers capture crucial information.
Most antibiotics target metabolically active bacteria, but with artificial intelligence, researchers can efficiently screen compounds that are lethal to dormant microbes.
The majority of U.S. jobs are in occupations that have emerged since 1940, MIT research finds — telling us much about the ways jobs are created and lost.