The European Commission has approved EUR33.9 million from the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) to support Romania in addressing the extensive damages caused by droughts and wildfires in 2022.
Luna decembrie aduce nu doar spiritul sărbătorilor, ci și oportunități de dragoste intensă pentru anumite zodii. Potrivit experților în astrologie, cinci semne zodiacale se află sub influența unor energii benefice în această perioadă.
Mai multe tipuri de plăți sunt prevăzute pentru rușii trimiși la războiul din Ucraina. Plățile sunt promise atât din bugetele federale, cât și din cele regionale.
Romania’s Competition Council on Monday announced it was reviewing the deal whereby travel agency Christian Tour intends to take over AnimaWings Aviation, a company specializing in charter flights.
Romania's Finance Ministry raised RON1.3 billion from banks on Monday (December 4) selling bonds with a nominal value of RON500 million due in 2027, at an annual average yield of 6.58%.
All seven mandatory private pension funds in Romania, known as Pillar II, the largest investors at the Bucharest Stock Exchange and the second largest buyer of bonds issued by the finance ministry, after the banking system, in October 2023 increased their ownership stakes in companies listed on the local capital market, in line with data aggregated by Ziarul Financiar (ZF) daily.
Romania's foreign exchange reserves stood at EUR58.89 billion at the end of November 2023, higher by EUR700 million than EUR58.18 billion at the end of October 2023, central bank data showed on Monday (December 4).
JYSK, the Scandinavian furniture and home products retailer, generated a turnover of RON1 billion in Romania, in the 2022-2023 financial year, up 19% from the previous one, as per data released by the company on Monday (Dec 4, 2023).
Romania’s unemployment rate stood at 5.4% in October 2023, the same as in September 2023, data from the country’s statistics institute INS show on Monday (Dec 4).
Groupe Atlantic, a French company in the HVAC field has opened its first plant of Romania in PWP Bucharest North industrial park of Aricestii Rahtivani, Prahova county, where it will start the production of heating equipment.
FintechOS, one of the best-known tech startups launched locally, a tech provider for banks, insurers, lending institutions and financial services companies, for the Romania entity reported RON86.9 million turnover, up 62% on the year.
Beltrame, the Italian group that controls the Calarasi and Targoviste steel plants, has invested around EUR28 million in the two production units and investments will not stop here.
Automotive wiring manufacturer Fujikura Automotive Romania, the local subsidiary of Japan’s Fujikura, reported turnover worth around RON99.7 million (EUR20.2 million) in 2022, down 23% on the year, in line with ZF calculations based on Finance Ministry data.
Affidea Romania, the biggest player on the local medical imaging market, has expansion and consolidation plans for 2024, after having pursued an organic growth strategy this year.
Muzeul și Centrul Internațional de Cercetare OZN din Roswell, New Mexico, sărbătorește o realizare istorică inedită pentru cei pasionați de domeniu: 5 milioane de vizitatori
Autoritatea de management al frontierea (BMA) a interceptat 42 de autobuze în care erau transportați 443 de copii neînsoțiți din Zimbabwe în Africa de Sud
Israelul va urmări organizația Hamas în Liban, Turcia și Qatar, chiar dacă va dura mai mulți ani, a declarat șeful agenției de securitate internă din Israel, Shin Bet, într-o înregistrare difuzată duminică pe postul public israelian Kan
Un cutremur slab cu magnitudinea 4,7 s-a produs duminică, la ora locală 00:05, în zona seismică Vrancea, judeţul Buzău, potrivit informaţiilor publicate de Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Pământului (INCDFP).