Coreea de Nord pare să fi transferat în Rusia diferite tipuri de sisteme de artilerie. Acestea sunt sisteme care au amenințat de multă vreme Coreea de Sud. Evoluția vine în timp ce trupele nord-coreene luptă împotriva Ucrainei în numele Rusiei.
Un bărbat din Marea Britanie, Phil Escott, în vârstă de 62 de ani, a dezvăluit cum alimentația pe bază de carne și renunțarea la legume și fructe l-au ajutat „să aibă apetitul sexual al unui tânăr de 20 de ani”
Law firm Clifford Chance Badea has advised PPC Group in closing the EUR700 million transaction through which it acquired the Romanian renewable energy portfolio of Evryo Group, owned by Macquarie Asset Management.
The European Commission has announced on Nov 21 that it has approved a EUR578 million (RON2.9 billion) Romanian state aid scheme to support energy-intensive companies.
Romania's Finance Ministry raised RON752 million from banks on Thursday (Nov 21), selling government paper in two auctions, at annual average yields of 6.34% and 7.16%, respectively.
PPC (Public Power Corporation) Group has completed the acquisition of the renewable energy generation portfolio of Evryo Group in Romania (formerly known as CEZ Romania), previously owned by funds managed by Macquarie Asset Management.
The return to the office has continued to grow in 2024 as employees increasingly feel the need for direct interaction with colleagues, and employers implement strategies that encourage a full-time return to the office while balancing the hybrid model.
Private healthcare network MedLife continues its expansion plans by inaugurating the new MedLife Craiova Hospital, following a nearly EUR6 million investment that marks a new milestone for the private medical system in the region of Oltenia, the company has announced in a press statement on Nov 21.
Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR) and Softlead, a marketplace in Romania that helps companies to choose the right software solution, based on their Digital DNA, have concluded a partnership which allows BCR clients to access a complete ecosystem of digital and financial solutions essential for business performance.
E.ON Energie Romania in the first 10 months of 2024 installed over 100 EV charging stations, public and private ones, thus going beyond 550 units installed so far on the local market.
Stay Fit Gym has become the network with the biggest number of centers opened in Romania and Eastern Europe with the launch of its 47th unit in Rahova, Bucharest.
New passenger car registrations in Romania during the January-October 2024 period rose by 5.4% from the year-earlier period, to 127,061 units, while at EU level they merely edged up by 0.7% to 8,856,195 units, in line with ACAROM and ACEA data.
The still high interest rates and continued lending aided Romania banking sector generate an RON11.5 billion record high net profit in the first nine months of 2024, up around 10% from the gain reported for January-September 2023, in line with BNR data.
Catalin Neacsu, category manager at Verdino Green Foods, a major plant-based food producer in Romania, says exports account for around 50% of total sales, with the rest coming from Romania.
Mihalache family, which owns Fermador group of Iasi, which operates on the poultry market and had turnover of around RON240 million last year, are exploring the sale of the company, according to ZF sources. More exactly, they have handed the sale mandate to a Big 4 company.
Sărăcia cruntă pe care n-o vedem și efortul consilierilor școlari de a micșora, măcar de Sărbători, povara unor familii greu încercate sunt elementele unui proiect sensibil. Consilierii CJRAE din Olt au schițat poveștile a 111 copii care au nevoie imediată de ajutor.
Crin Antonescu explică, într-o analiză pentru „Adevărul”, ce coaliție am putea avea la putere după alegeri, cine va intra în durul doi la prezidențiale și cine a fost surprinzătoarea revalație în cadrul dezbaterii prezidențiabililor.
În ultimele zile ale campaniei pentru primul tur al alegerilor prezidențiale din România, se conturează o direcție clară în strategiile partidelor și candidaților: mobilizarea prin frică și riscuri a electoratului indecis.
Un șofer român de TIR ar putea fi condamnat la minimum cinci ani de închisooare după ce anul trecut a produs un accident în lanț pe o autostradă din Germania, accident soldat cu patru răniți. Deocamdată, el a fost obligat să plătească o amendă uriașă.