Rusia își intensifică eforturile pentru apropierea de Africa, oferind expertiză digitală ca parte a unei strategii susținute de fiica cea mică a președintelui Vladimir Putin, scrie Bloomberg .
The public recruitment for the Russian "African Corps" indicates the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) attempts to directly recruit former Wagner PMC personnel for operations in Africa failed.
România a adoptat Strategia Națională pentru Africa, denumită „România – Africa: Parteneriat pentru viitor prin pace, dezvoltare şi educaţie, un document-cadru de viziune”.
Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, va efectua în perioada 14-25 noiembrie o serie de vizite de stat în Africa, în state precum Kenya, Tanzania, Cabo Verde și Senegal.
More countries from Latin America, Africa and Asia are joining the implementation of the Peace Formula and other international initiatives put forward by Ukraine.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba offers the Czech Republic, the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova the launch of broad coordination of diplomatic efforts in Africa.
Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Friday, July 28, that allowing Russia to give free grain to Africa is not the right path out of the crisis caused by Russia's withdrawal from a Ukraine grain export deal.
The Russian Federation boosted its gasoline and gasoil exports to African countries in the first quarter of 2023 by almost 50% on year. The cargo is delivered directly to Africa.
On the 90th anniversary of the beginning of the Holodomor, Ukraine is launching the Grain from Ukraine initiative, with up to 60 Ukrainian grain ships expected to be sent by the middle of next year to some of the world's poorest countries in Africa.
Since the Grain Corridor deal was enforced, 23 bulkers carrying a total of 640,000 tonnes of Ukrainian grain have departed from Ukrainian ports to Africa.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba has said that two-thirds of Ukrainian grain under the "grain initiative" is directed to countries of Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maшo believes that the "world bread war has already begun" because of the grain blockade in Ukraine, which prevents many vulnerable countries from accessing grain and means that there is a risk of new conflicts breaking out in Africa.
Trying to wean itself off Russian coal, Poland is looking further afield, including to markets in Africa, where Polish-Nigerian energy cooperation is gaining momentum.