Hezbollah chief Nasrallah: Pager blasts could be called 'a declaration of war,' will meet 'just punishment' ■ IDF chief approves northern front plans as Israel strikes Hezbollah targets in Lebanon ■ Several Israelis wounded in Hezbollah anti-tank, drone hits in country's north ■ Jewish Israeli businessman charged with plotting assassinations of Netanyahu and key officials for Iran ■ Eight Israelis wounded by Hezbollah missile fire in country's north
Cel puțin nouă oameni au fost uciși în Liban, iar alți peste 2.800 – inclusiv numeroși luptători ai grupării teroriste libaneze Hezbollah – au fost răniți marți, 17 septembrie, după ce pagerele pe care aceștia le aveau asupra lor pentru comunicații au explodat în același timp.
Tensiunile dintre Hezbollah şi Israel se amplifică, după ce, miercuri după-amiază, au fost raportate noi explozii, de această dată declanşate de staţii radio portabile folosite de Hezbollah, în sudul Libanului și în suburbiile Beirutului. Autorităţile anunţă 14 morți și circa 450 de răniți.
Președintele Iranului, Masoud Pezeshkian, acuză Israelul pentru că ar fi orchestrat atacurile cu pagerele capcană asupra Hezbollah, dar și SUA și aliați ai săi pentru contribuția la „uciderile și asasinatele oarbe de către regimul sionist”, relatează BBC.
Eight Israelis and Palestinians were indicted for assisting terrorist activities and collaborating with a hostile entity and were allegedly recruited by Hezbollah member, a former Israeli now living in Lebanon, in exchange for payment
Around 2,800 people seriously wounded, eight killed after pagers in Beirut and across Lebanon explode, Lebanese government says ■ Dozens of wounded are Hezbollah members, security sources tell Reuters ■ Israel's top security officials called for emergency meeting with government leaders to present options for addressing escalation with Hezbollah ■ Here's what you need to know 347 days into the war
Israeli security officials believe Hezbollah plans military action, prompting an urgent meeting of senior officers at the defense ministry to explore options for a possible northern escalation
The beeper, which predates mobile phones, allows professionals to receive messages in remote areas. Today, it was released that Hezbollah operatives used the device.
Lebanese PM says incident is 'serious violation of our sovereignty' ■ Hezbollah chief Nasrallah not harmed, source says ■ Seven reportedly killed in additional pager explosions in Syria ■ IDF Home Front Command doesn't issue any update in instructions for the Israeli public ■ Netanyahu convenes meeting with top ministers in Tel Aviv
Liderul Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, i-a trimis o scrisoare șefului Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, în care își reafirmă angajamentul de a lupta împotriva Israelului și a sprijini alianța de militanți regionali susținută de Iran, cunoscută drept„Axa Rezistenței”, potrivit grupului militant libanez.
One of the deadliest weapons on the Ukrainian battlefield has recently appeared in the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel, and it's extremely difficult to intercept: first-person view drones that allow the pilot to see from the aircraft's perspective
Lebanon is in the midst of a crisis on many levels, and Israel's threats 'to send it to the stone age' are met with rolled eyes, as many Lebanese feel they are already there. The Lebanese people have risen up before, but Hezbollah is too well armed and too well supported to be challenged
Het conflict tussen Israël en Hezbollah in het zuiden van Libanon laaide dit weekend opnieuw op met aanvallen over en weer. Spanningen tussen de twee partijen zijn absoluut niet nieuw. Sterker nog: ze horen zelfs bij de oprichting van Hezbollah.
Hezbollah gives Sinwar the military pressure against Israel and buys him time to set the pace of the negotiations and insist on preliminary conditions. Netanyahu is using the time as if it was meant for him too, while endangering the hostages' lives
Israelul și Hezbollah s-au angajat într-un schimb dur de lovituri, duminică dimineața, într-o escaladare a luptelor dintre cele două părți. Analistul politic Andrei Schwartz explică, într-o analiză pentru „Adevărul”, ce se întâmplă în Orientul Mijlociu și ce riscuri de escaldare există.
After a preemptive Israeli strike and Hezbollah rocket attacks on the north, residents feel abandoned and discriminated against. Three northern Israeli council heads announced they are severing ties with the government
The army is investigating whether First Sergeant David Moshe Ben Shitrit was killed by an interceptor rocket which mistakenly targeted his ship, or by shrapnel after a Hezbollah drone was intercepted over the ship
'The martyrs rejoice as they witness the beginning of revenge,' one commentator said about the Hezbollah response – which caused only minor damage – to Israel's killing of a Hezbollah commander last month. Others pointed out the anticlimax of the group's long-awaited reprisal