The Israel Land Authority approved a decision to promote urban renewal projects requiring state support. The first site for implementation is the "Tirosh Complex" in Nof Hagalil.
A Ruby Capital review shows that medium and small real estate firms build over three-fourths of Israel's housing. By September 2024, around 178,100 apartments were under construction.
Neighborhood Corner: Despite its tumultuous beginnings, Ramat Shlomo today represents the ever-changing landscape of Jerusalem – a city where history, religion, and politics intertwine.
The rents that tenants will be required to pay will differ depending on the building, the floor, and whether the building is for demolition or renovation.
With approximately 1,950 housing units already under planning and construction across Jerusalem, Carso is one of several companies leading Jerusalem’s urban renewal.
In places like Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, little supply and strong demand creates a competitive dynamic for renters. And when it comes to getting the attention of a landlord – money talks.
Neighborhood Corner: Musrara's cobblestone streets and architectural contrasts tell the story of a city and a nation grappling with the weight of the past while building toward the future.
Abu Tor is more than a neighborhood; it’s a microcosm of Jerusalem itself – a place where history, religion, and modern life intersect in complex and fascinating ways.
Beersheba's cultural, tourism, and leisure growth attracts entrepreneurs and real estate investors while encouraging homebuyers to choose the city as their ideal place to live.