Russian propaganda is actively disseminating disinformation about alleged "atrocities committed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Selydove," located in Donetsk region.
Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, has appealed to international organizations regarding the possible execution of two women in the town of Selydove, Donetsk region.
The Prosecutor General's Office has launched a pre-trial probe into the shooting of the two captured soldiers from the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the Russian military near Selydove, Donetsk region.
In the city of Selydove in the Donetsk region, 53 high-rise buildings, 10 private houses, and seven administrative buildings were damaged as a result of the Russian attack.
The prosecutor's office has launched an investigation into the killing of three people and the wounding of six others in Avdiivka, Selydove and Prohres of the Donetsk region.