Officials from the U.S., Israel and Arab states reportedly support appointing former PA security chief Mohammed Dahlan to govern Gaza after war ■ Britain expected to drop reservations to ICC's request for arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant ■ Australia sanctions seven Israelis for involvement in violence against Palestinians in West Bank ■ Here's what you need to know 293 days into the war
Indyk was an Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs under the Clinton administration, and served as ambassador to Israel for two terms, He was also the special envoy to Israel during the negotiations with the Palestinians in 2013-2014 under the administration of President Barack Obama
When searching for "Hamas" on Google, the world's unlimited information source, the first description that appears is "Palestinian militant group." To be frank, "not to be confused with Hummus" is the first result that comes up, and I truly don't know which result is worse. Absurdly, it requires some deep digging to locate Hamas' […]
This meeting follows Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to a joint Congress session on Wednesday, in which many of the hostage relatives were also in attendance.
Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) were banned by the German interior ministry for promoting 'an Islamist-extremist, totalitarian ideology.' The interior ministry also accused the IZH of promoting antisemitism
Prosecutors allege that the accused, Hadi Matar, was motivated by a speech by Hassan Nasrallah, in which he endorsed killing the author of a book perceived as blasphemous by some Muslims. Matar faces life in prison if found guilty on the federal terror charges
The former president also criticized those who protested the Israeli prime minister's speech to the U.S. Congress, calling for a one-year jail sentence for desecrating the U.S. flag
'A real Haredi soldier – not someone pretending to be Haredi – would have no issue serving in the IDF,' said former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, and argued that the ultra-Orthodox can remain within their communities while getting a secular education or drafting to the military
Last week, the suspect was arrested after she assaulted and wounded a security guard at a mall. Several hours later, her son's grandmother discovered his body with signs of violence in the family's apartment. Neighbors had notified police in the past about her behavior
Y.H. Dimri buys Sde Dov land for NIS 1.1 billion, with construction costing an additional 1.04 billion. The project will include 458 residential units and commercial and hotel spaces.
Y.H. Dimri buys Sde Dov land for NIS 1.1 billion, with construction costing an additional 1.04 billion. The project will include 458 residential units and commercial and hotel spaces.
Ariel Topaz, 24-year-old from Pardes Hannah-Karkur, was critically wounded in terror attack earlier in July and died on Wednesday. His mother wrote: 'Even with all the prayers, unfortunately the next 'announcement' is my entire world, my dear son, my Ariel'
The differences of style and substance between Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu were never starker than in their speeches Wednesday. It was a case of grace versus victimhood, truth versus mendacity, genuine versus phony, and real versus fake
The soldiers were shot while driving on highway 55 near the West Bank city of Qalqilyah on the Green Line. The soldiers are in moderate and light condition and were evacuated to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba. The army said they are currently searching for the shooter
Earlier in July, the Palestinian Authority made its first-ever petition to an Israeli court, asking that they dismiss a Knesset law that allows victims of terror attacks to sue the PA for damages. Israel's gov't asked the court to reject the petition, saying that the PA pays terrorists and their families
Instead of protecting the U.S.-Israel alliance, Netanyahu's unnecessary speech to Congress, and the vicious partisan briefings to journalists that accompanied it, hurt bipartisan support for Israel among Democrats and U.S. Jews at a time it can afford it least
HD 189733b is a scorching hot gas giant exoplanet, slightly larger than Jupiter, located about 63-64 light-years away in the Vulpecula constellation. It has a striking cobalt blue hue, violent atmospheric conditions with winds up to 2 km/s (5,000 mph), temperatures around 930°C (1,700-1,800°F), and is believed to have molten glass rain driven sideways […]
Doomscrolling, the excessive consumption of negative news, is linked to existential anxiety, distrust, suspicion of others, despair, and symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to a study published in the Journal of Computers in Human Behavior Reports. According to the study, constant exposure to negative news can lead to a negative view […]